Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Shame, Shame, Shame

On June 29th bloggers around the world will be joining together to speak out for Human Rights in Iran. Bloggers Unite for a free Iran has all the information you need. As the word gets harder to get out and speaking and meeting publicly becomes too expensive a commodity for the everyday Iranian, show them that we the citizens of the world care about more than the world's economic situation, or indeed about more than our own families. We are all part of the family of man and freedom of expression is not something that we can allow to be silenced. Speak out for those who can't, let the Iranian people know the rest of the world is not going to sit by and let this happen. We will not be silent.

Shame on them for what they did to the footballers who wore green arm bands of solidarity in the Seoul pre qualifier game recently

Shame on Iran for the death of Neda Agha Soltan by all accounts an innocent victim

Shame shame shame .... so many outrages there are too many to list

Remember the power of the people Ayatolla Khamenei, remember and beware.

My son who is a writer has written a great post about this.


  1. The cruelty and injustices of the world never cease to amaze me.

    And no I can't be silent. It would be so incredibly wrong.

  2. Uh...dumb question. Should I do something on my 29th or your 29th?

    Maybe I should just do something on both.


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