Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Conversation With A Priest

Had a great conversation online today with an Anglican priest about the murder of Dr George Tiller. He had presented Biblical arguments for and against, very intelligent reading and discussion.

Even though I made the point that I do not believe that abortion is the ultimate sin, my thoughts were welcomed. What a change from the comments I made recently where I was savaged for trying to express myself on a blog recently.

Thanks David, your parishioners are very blessed to have you. Check him out, believers and non believers, for really intelligent conversation. He also contributes to Stand Firm which supports traditional Anglicanism in America.


  1. I strongly disagree with what David said in his blog, but I love that you two held such a civil conversation.

    It's lovely when people can disagree about a passionate complicated topic without resorting to verbal violence.

    And although I disagree with David and am DISGUSTED that a man was murdered, I can understand where he's coming from. If you see abortion as murder, then it would give you a different viewpoint on the whole situation.

  2. I know Dina....who would think that one could have civil discourse about such a matter? I loved the bit about Operation Valkerie too...

    This is ideas level blogging...or maybe ideals? Am so pleased I could share this with you especially!

  3. Thanks Kathleen, I think you've been overly generous about me - plus you priested me when I'm just a deacon ;-)

    Dina, thanks for your comments. I think I've not expressed myself well enough in my blog. I am shocked by the shooting of this abortionist, but I'm trying to maintain a distinction.

    Nevertheless, I really appreciated the fact that you "understand where [I'm] coming from". That speaks volumes for your graciousness.

    Would love to invite you over to the blog to comment. I far prefer to have people who passionately and politely agree than loyal disciples (although the latter aren't terrible ...;-) )

  4. oops deacon david...never mind you will get there and then you will be revered..oops reverended

    i entrust my friend dina to you...she is the one who was so brutally savaged recently

  5. Dina, I'm so sorry to hear that.

  6. oops just saw that i also called you david dould in the tags...am working on editing it out without deleting entire post...okay am waiting for my son to come help me

    sorry david

  7. David,

    Thank you. I will definitely stop by. I'm not sure if I'll have much to say, but I'll definitely listen and learn. And if I do have something to say, it's nice to know I can feel safe saying it : )


I love to chat, please talk to me!